This WLF Litigation Division feature highlights WLF court and agency filings, as well as decisions issued in response to WLF’s filings. In this edition, we list November 2024 filings and decisions.
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- WLF asks the Supreme Court to reverse a controversial decision about proximate cause and aiding-and-abetting liability. (Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. v. Estados Unidos Mexicanos)
- WLF urges the FTC to clarify that a recent rule on amplifier promotion does not apply retroactively. (In re Final Amplifier Rule Clarification)
- WLF asks the California Supreme Court to reject a novel liability theory for prescription drugs. (In re Gilead Tenofovir Cases)
- The Supreme Court declines to review FDA’s latest compelled-speech mandate on tobacco products and retailers. (RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co. v. FDA)
- The Supreme Court dismisses, as improvidently granted, a petition in an important securities case. (Facebook, Inc. v. Amalgamated Bank)