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This month, WLF’s Litigation Division’s filing schedule was disrupted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, in April 2020 WLF submitted the filing, and obtained the results, that follow.
WLF asks the full Seventh Circuit to review, then affirm, the dismissal of any class claim unrelated to a nonresident defendant’s forum-state activities. (Florence Mussat, M.D., S.C., v. IQVIA, Inc.)
The U.S. Supreme Court interprets the Clean Water Act to cover both direct and indirect discharges of a pollutant from any “point source” into a “navigable water.” (County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund)
The Fourth Circuit remands to the district court a dispute over the deadline by which e-cigarette companies must apply to the FDA for permission to continue selling their products. (In re Cigar Ass’n of America)
The U.S. Supreme Court reverses a Montana Supreme Court ruling that allowed private landowners to impede the EPA’s efforts to clean one of the nation’s largest Superfund sites. (Atlantic Richfield Co. v. Christian)
The en banc Seventh Circuit declines to rehear a novel refusal-to-deal claim in a major antitrust lawsuit. (Viamedia v. Comcast)
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau issues its final rule clarifying the limits on accepted and prohibited statements in alcohol labels and ads. (In re Modernization of the Labeling and Advertising Regulations for Wine, Distilled Spirits, and Malt Beverages)