turning calendarWashington Legal Foundation and its Legal Pulse blog welcome you to 2014.

December is a busy time for many people, so you may have missed some of the important Litigation and Legal Studies Division activities that kept WLF busy last month. A few links to late-December Legal Pulse posts are included as well.

Litigation Division filings

In re: FTC Investigation of Patent Assertion Entities (comments applauding the FTC’s decision to investigate the activities of Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs) in the wireless communications sector)

Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA (amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to reject the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) purported authority to embark on an ever-expanding program to regulate greenhouse gases)

Mingo Logan Coal v. EPA (amicus brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review, and ultimately reject, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) purported authority for revoking a Clean Water Act discharge permit years after it was issued)

Legal Studies Division papers

No Going Back: Strategies For Opposing Remand Under CAFA’s Exceptions by Timothy J. Coughlin and Barbara A. Lum, Thompson Hine LLP

The Impact Of Individual Damages Issues On Class Certification After Comcast Corp. v. Behrend by Felix Shafir, Horvitz & Levy LLP

Legal Pulse Posts

The Meningitis B Outbreak: Heavy Doses of Government Can Be Costly

Two More Food Labeling Class Action Rulings: Harbingers of the New Year?

Proxy Advisory Services: Making Glass (Lewis) Transparent—and ISS Too