- At urging of Pennsylvania Attorney General, Third Circuit seeks PA Supreme Court opinion on minority shareholders’ right to sue over merger (Legal Intelligencer)
- Policy ideas have consequences: Soda tax proposed in France, Coca-Cola puts $24 million expansion of French plant on hold (Vancouver Sun)
- Can a suit be certified as a class action solely for purpose of determining punitive damages after Wal-Mart v. Dukes? 9th Circuit asks a district court to consider (California Punitive Damages)
- Back to product liability basics at the Seventh Circuit in “consumer expectations” decision (Consumer Class Actions and Mass Torts)
- Liability without culpability: A deeply troubling trend (D&O Diary)
- When a single-used medical device is reprocessed and does harm, is the device’s manufacturer liable for injuries? Minnesota federal court issues ruling (Drug & Device Law)
- What we can learn about the state of federal regulation from government’s Unified Regulatory Agenda (RegBlog)
- Is a new ACLU suit forthcoming, now that a U.S. drone has reportedly eliminated radical al-Qaeda leader Al-Aulaqi? (Volokh Conspiracy)
- More false patent marking suits bite the dust under America Invents Act reform provision (WSJ Law Blog; for more see this Legal Pulse post)