• Efforts by HHS to exclude a drug company executive under strict liability theory has collateral consequences for company (Fierce Pharma)
  • Will excluding companies and executives from federal contracts be expanded to antitrust realm? (Truth on the Market)
  • Who will replace departing DOJ-Antitrust Division Assistant AG Varney? (Blog of Legal Times)
  • $1 billion punitive award issued by jury in Maryland against ExxonMobil (California Punitive Damages)
  • Debunking the hysteria over proposed law to punish posting copyright-violating videos online (Copyhype)
  • Innovation, yes, innovation, is the cause of rising health care costs (and, one would think, improved health too) (Drug Wonks)
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act indictment based on federal sting operation results in a mistrial (FCPA Professor)
  • New York federal judge OK’s federal criminal investigator visits to homes of company employees (FDA Law Blog)
  • Where is FTC going in its investigation of Twitter? (Tech Liberation Front)