• Further evidence of a federal government determined to criminalize: DOJ re-indicts drug company lawyer on “off-label promotion” charges (FDA Law Blog)
  • And more evidence that bad ideas never go away in Washington: Senator re-introduces bill to cabin judges’ discretion to issue protective orders in civil litigation (Point of Law)
  • Big restaurant chains sought federal role in menu labeling regulation; will FDA make them sorry they did? (Consumer Advertising Law Blog)
  • An official from NSA (the “Never Say Anything” agency) gives revealing speech on civil liberties in a cyber age (Lawfare)
  • If milk spills into an inland waterway, will EPA regulate it?  Believe it or not, they won’t (E2 Wire)
  • Generic drug companies the latest victim of “false patent marking” litigation (Legal Intelligencer)
  • Justice Anthony Kennedy on the impact of the blogosphere on the Supreme Court (Josh Blackman’s Blog)
  • The plaintiff’s bar has found a new environmental litigation target: Fracking (pardon our French) for natural gas (Mass Tort Defense)
  • Patent reform advances in the House of Representatives (Hillicon Valley)