• Six pages of health care reform law beget 429 pages of HHS regulations (U.S. News and World Report)
  • Further civil justice reform in Oklahoma disappoints trial lawyers in Texas, Kansas, etc. (Oklahoman)
  • Food police follies in Boston (executive order banning soda sales on public land – Daily Caller) and New York City (council proposal to ban “happy meals” – CBS New York)
  • Congressman urges big law firm lawyers to devote their pro bono work to Americans in need, not Guantanamo Day detainees (Blog of Legal Times)
  • Federal judge invokes Class Action Fairness Act to limit attorneys’ fees in class action settlement (Consumer Class Actions and Mass Torts)
  • Good analysis of briefs in Viacom v. YouTube case (and not just because it mentions WLF’s amicus brief) (Copyhype)
  • Can the publisher of an informational pamphlet handed out by a pharmacist really be liable under a failure-to-warn theory of product liability?  In Pennsylvania maybe they can (Drug and Device Law)
  • Supreme Court seemingly wants nothing to do with Guantanamo Bay detainee habeas corpus cases (Lawfare)
  • What would cell phones, computers, look like without freedom and free enterprise? Back to the future (Tech Liberation Front)