• Federal Trade Commission, for the fourth time in twelve years, devotes funds to studying self-regulation of alcohol advertising (N.Y. Times)
  • Solicitor General of the U.S. supports plaintiffs in Supreme Court generic drug preemption cases (Product Liability Monitor)
  • EPA Administrator takes on “myths” about agency actions (E2 Wire)
  • Bill proposed in California to have judges, not juries, determine punitive damage amounts (California Punitive Damages)
  • Senate Judiciary Committee probes coziness of DOJ and SEC in parallel prosecutions (Crime in the Suites)
  • Is it federal patent reform’s time? The Senate says yes, what says the U.S. House? (Patently-O)
  • The ObamaCare law of unintended consequences: patients flood doctors’ office to get prescriptions for over-the-counter drugs to secure tax break the law offers (Professor Bainbridge)
  • A fitting in memoriam to the late Jack Calfee of American Enterprise Institute, a great ally of freedom and free enterprise (Truth on the Market)
  • Big-law-firm-lawyer-turned-patent troll selling “covenants not to sue” to potential patent infringement defendants (WSJ Law Blog)