• Senator known for his bulldog approach to oversight demands answers from DOJ & SEC on parallel civil-criminal prosecutions (Blog of Legal Times)
  • What, me worry?  In face of adverse government report, trial lawyers forge on with suits against auto company (WSJ Law Blog)
  • Innovation goes overseas: European countries and medical device patients thank America for its FDA (New York Times)
  • Website files a “reverse class action” (one plaintiff vs. many defendants) to stop escalating infringement on copyrights (Copyhype)
  • A vigorous debate has arisen around Apple’s CEO on disclosure responsibilities to public company shareholders (D&O Diary– halfway down linked post)
  • Justice Alito speaks out on the role of the judiciary and aims a dig at the media for its simplistic representation of courts (Josh Blackman’s Blog)
  • Sue me? Sue you!: Arizona strikes back at U.S. government in federal court over immigration policy (Yahoo News )