• Wisconsin on verge to become 25th state with specific limits on punitive damages (California Punitive Damages; Wood at Point of Law)
  • Class action argument in Supreme Court (Smith v. Bayer) assessed (Class Action Countermeasures)
  • California gets cold feet on deeply intrusive “green chemistry” rules (Mass Tort Defense)
  • President’s executive order on regulations: a shifting of the deck chairs on the Titanic? (Olson at Cato @ Liberty)
  • Assessment of Supreme Court argument in AstraUSA v. Santa Clara (SCOTUSblog)
  • Is assumption by six Supreme Court justices in NASA case that a right to “informational privacy” exists a sound one? (Volokh Conspiracy)
  • It wouldn’t be a new Congress without the introduction of yet another patent reform bill (Tech Dose Daily)