• Supreme Court’s class action focus sharpens with fourth certiorari grant in area (Class Action Countermeasures) (SEC Actions)
  • Anti-vaccine study recently revealed to be a fraud just the tip of the junk science iceberg trial lawyers have long peddled to juries (Drug Wonks)
  • State attorneys general urge Supreme Court to review plaintiffs’ loss in Second Circuit on “reverse payment” settlements of drug patent suits (FDA Law Blog)
  • Center for Science in the “Public Interest” run out of court on fraudulent food saltiness claim in New Jersey (Overlawyered)
  • More states jumping into the fray over the ObamaCare health insurance mandate (Volokh Conspiracy)
  • What’s that suit against Chevron in Ecuador brought by U.S. trial lawyers all about?  The lead plaintiffs’ lawyer tells us (Shopfloor)
  • The “agency costs” of white collar criminal prosecution and overcriminalization (Ribstein at Truth on the Market)