- “Megatrends 2011” for drug & device litigation (Drug & Device Law Blog)
- Spanning the globe (and several thousand words): analysis of the late 2010 Alcatel FCPA settlement (FCPA Professor)
- Now that the House of Representatives has read the U.S. Constitution to open its session, should the U.S. Supreme Court do the same on the First Monday in October? (Josh Blackman’s Blog)
- U.S. Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit declares that its November 2010 In re Microsoft ruling, ordering patent troll case transferred out of Eastern District of Texas (see our past blog post on it), can be cited as binding precedent (Patently-O)
- Nevada Supreme Court imposes “death penalty” punishment for discovery abuse by business defendant (Point of Law) (for more on case see WLF’s 2009 paper)
- Issued at a furious pace, who can really keep up with all the proposed regulations implementing the Dodd-Frank law? (SEC Actions)
- As with any massive federal law, Dodd-Frank carries unintended, counterproductive consequences (Zywiki at Volokh Conspiracy)
- More on “Worlds of Warcraft” copyright decision (past WLF blog post here) (New Media & Technology Law Blog)
- Professor Daniel Sokol notes concerns over misuse of crime victims’ rights law by civil antitrust plaintiffs (Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog)