• Supreme Court asks for the Solicitor General’s views on cert petitions in two private securities fraud litigation cases (10b-5 Daily)
  • From the better late than never department: Government Accountability Office finds CMS’s gag order against Humana and other “Medicare Advantage” contractors communicating about ObamaCare law to be an “unusual” prior restraint on speech. (Cato at Liberty)
  • Ice cream maker’s resolve in opposing frivolous consumer fraud class action sadly melts away (Consumer Class Actions and Mass Torts)
  • Was there government entrapment in recent Foreign Corrupt Practices Act case? (Crime in the Suites)
  • Defendant registers uncommon victory in off-label “marketing” case (Drug & Device Law Blog)
  • FDA lawyer bangs the criminalization shoe during talk at Food & Drug Law Institute (FDA Law Blog)
  • Patent suits over mobile phone technology proliferate, necessitating a flowchart to sort them all out (The Legal Pad)
  • Recent author of WLF publication, Professor Mark Osler, interviewed about RICO and civil vs. criminal trials (Abnormal Use)
  • WLF pro bono counsel in brief in Virginia challenge to ObamaCare, Professor Ilya Somin, opines on ruling in 20-state challenge to the law (Volokh Conspiracy)