- Comments start rolling in to FDA about its proposed changes to 510(k) medical device approval process (Medical Devices Today)
- Mexico, much of Central America, some of South America, allowed by 9th Circuit to file amicus briefs in Arizona immigration law case (Volokh Conspiracy)
- Cogent explanation of key jurisdiction cases granted by SCOTUS (Mass Tort Defense)
- Trial lawyer’s “vaudevillian” tactics and blantantly anti-business statements in drug liability trial sadly merit only small slap on the wrist (Pharmalot)
- SEC invokes Class Action Fairness Act to preserve its authority under Sarbanes-Oxley. Confused? Read this: (SEC Actions)
- New law review article notes antitrust problems with Google book suit settlement agreement (The Laboratorium)
- FDA sets public meetings for early November on approval pathway for follow-on biologics (Eye on FDA)
- We’re from the FTC, and we’re here to protect your online privacy (Privacy and Information Security Law)