- Are those who pirate music through “peer-to-peer” sharing networks “innocent infringers” under copyright law? The Supreme Court might soon determine that (Copyrights & Campaigns)
- Politicians push more criminalization of corporate conduct on federal enforcement officials (D&O Diary)
- SEC’s views on how to implement its new “whistleblower” program become a bit clearer (FCPA Professor)
- Pomegranate juice maker’s suit to test FTC’s stricter approach to judging advertisers’ nutrition claims (FDA Law Blog)
- WLF had a program about patent trolls this week. Maybe soon we’ll need to do another on “copyright trolls” (Patenly-O)
- Lyle Denniston assesses possibility of a tobacco class action making it to the High Court (SCOTUSblog)
- Legal activists strike out against two of our favorite recent SCOTUS rulings Iqbal and Twombly (ACS Blog)
- A federal agency filed an enforcement action to deflect attention from its failure to stop blatant market manipulation? We’re shocked, shocked (Truth on the Market)
- Also shocking: Supreme Court Justices hire law clerks who share their views on the law (WSJ Law Blog)