- Federal heating bill assistance for the dead, the imprisoned, and mansion owners? Abolutely. (Yahoo News)
- Monopoly in the video rental market? FTC thought so, erroneously (von Mises Institute)
- More False Claims Act amendments pending in the financial reg reform bill (Fried Frank)
- Analysis of PCAOB ruling (Professor Bainbridge) and corporate disappointment that SOX lives (WSJ Deals Blog)
- An encouraging ruling for Alien Tort Statute defendants (Consumer Class Actions and Mass Torts Blog)
- Further evaluation of Viacom v. YouTube ruling (Campaigns and Copyrights)
- A fruit fight breaks out in federal court under Lanham Act (Drug & Device Law)
- Add a motor to a normal bike, get injured on bike, sue bike maker, win $1 million: only in America (Overlawyered)
- Sweeping OSHA changes under the cloak of mine safety upgrade? (Shopfloor)