- Rush to criminal judgment may hobble leak plugging (Washington Examiner)
- What do federal trial judges think of the Sentencing Guidelines? The Sentencing Commission asked (U.S. Sentencing Commission)
- FTC’s strident campaign against patent litigation settlements questioned (Main Justice)
- Political campaigns’ use of songs is apparently a hot copyright topic (Copyrights & Campaigns)
- Federal district court issues important commercial speech win against FDA (Drug & Device Law)
- Vermont decrees it’s ok for drug companies to provide coffee to doctors at meetings and conferences (FDA Law Blog)
- Print journalism: the next bailout recipient? – FTC looking into it (Professor Bainbridge)
- Bureaucrats & politicians to blame for less bank lending (Todd Zywiki at The Washington Times)
- And last, and least, yet another “study” exposing the Supreme Court as pro-business (American Constitution Society)