This WLF Litigation Division feature highlights WLF court and agency filings, as well as decisions issued in response to WLF’s filings. In this edition, we list September 2021 filings and results.

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City of Austin v. Reagan National Advertising of Austin—WLF urges the Supreme Court to apply strict scrutiny to content-based restrictions on digital-advertising signs.

Southwest Airlines v. Saxon—WLF urges the Supreme Court to decide that the text and history of FAA’s transportation-worker exemption confirm that it covers only workers who transport goods across borders.

BNSF Railway Co. v. Dannels—WLF asks the Supreme Court to halt Montana’s end run around the Federal Employer’s Liability Act.

In re Amendment to Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.280—WLF joins a coalition of other civil-justice and public-policy groups in applauding the Florida Supreme Court’s recent decision to codify the “apex doctrine.”

Johnson & Johnson v. California—WLF reminds the California Court of Appeal that the First Amendment fully protects scientific speech.

Stars Interactive v. Kentucky—WLF urges the Supreme Court to review outsized civil penalty unmoored from actual harm.

CVS Pharmacy, Inc. v. Doe—WLF asks the Supreme Court to confirm that Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act does not permit disparate-impact claims


Stromberg v. Qualcomm Inc.—In a victory for WLF, the Ninth Circuit reverses certification of an unwieldy nationwide class action.

Cessna Aircraft Co. v. Garcia—The Texas Supreme Court declines to review a decision subjecting a nonresident defendant to suit in Texas even though the plaintiffs’ claims lack any connection to Texas.

Laramie v. Philip Morris USA—The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court holds that a plaintiff’s punitive-damages claim was not extinguished by the Massachusetts Attorney General in the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement.