This WLF Litigation Division feature highlights WLF court and agency filings, as well as decisions issued in response to WLF’s filings. In this edition, we list December 2020 filings and decisions. We also note the passing of a former Chairman of our honorary Legal Policy Advisory Board and longtime friend, The Honorable Dick Thornburgh.

WLF mourns the passing of The Honorable Dick Thornburgh (click here to read our statement).

“Dick provided WLF with invaluable support, counsel, and encouragement for nearly 20 years. Although he is gone, his legacy lives long after him.”
—Connie Larcher, WLF President and CEO

  • Settlements of pharmaceutical-patent litigation that involve no cash payment bolster innovation and spur competition; they should not be condemned under the antitrust laws. (UFCW Local 1500 Welfare Fund v. Abbvie)
  • Although some transportation workers are exempt from the Federal Arbitration Act’s mandate that arbitration agreements must be enforced, the Supreme Court should narrowly construe this exemption. ( v. Rittmann)