• Pepsico General Counsel (and new member of WLF’s Legal Policy Advisory Board) Larry D. Thompson has a new scholarly article on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA Professor)
  • SEC Commissioner Gallagher speaks out on reforms needed to address proxy wars initiated by gadfly shareholder activists (Reuters)
  • More troubling revelations on FDA and meningitis B vaccine, which we’ve blogged on here (and here) (Forbes.com The Apothecary)
  • Green activism has consequences: Desert smelt prevails over California water supply (Perkins Coie)
  • In battle of NIMBY activists and wind power advocates, wind power advocates win this round (DLA Piper)
  • Electric car maker’s efforts to sell directly to consumers tests retail distribution model and state laws (Truth on the Market)
  • State AGs inject themselves into scrutiny of Comcast-Time-Warner merger (Reuters via State AG Monitor)
  • Federal trial judge properly excludes “expert” testimony based solely on extrapolation from unreliable case reports (Product Liability Monitor)
  • POM Wonderful brings food labeling dispute to the Supreme Court; will it impact cases in the Food Court? (Private Surgeon General Class Action Defender)
  • Whistleblowers succeed in expanding controversial “implied certification” theory of qui tam liability under California false claims law (Original Source)
  • The real and ugly facts of litigation financing (D&O Diary)
  • Plaintiffs can’t evade removal under Class Action Fairness Act by suing for only declaratory relief (Class Defense)
  • Daimler v. Bauman SCOTUS decision and U.S. jurisdiction over foreign corporations scrutinized (Corporate Counsel)