- Sen. Ron Wyden floats proposal to split “fracking” regulation between state and federal regulators, with bulk reserved for states (The Hill E2 blog)
- Perfect storm for reforming how the US ITC considers patent issues? (Cato @ Liberty)
- Anti-smoking activists flack junk science studies in quest to ban public smoking (Time)
- USDA “country of origin” labeling mandate faces intriguing First Amendment challenge (FDA Law Blog)
- Small tech company CEOs relate what it’s like to be sued by a patent troll (Washington Post Wonkblog via Overlawyered)
- Fourth Circuit confirms booting of “expert witnesses” testifying outside their area of expertise from leaking-freezer-caused-my-injury suit (Product Liability Monitor)
- Supreme Court’s antitrust law framework for challenging “reverse payment settlements” in drug patent cases: Will it work in practice? (SCOTUSblog)
- Will the Southern District of New York’s decision finding Apple’s e-book pricing violated antitrust law survive on appeal? (Truth on the Market)
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