• Can a class action be certified for supposed harm from products the lead plaintiff didn’t even purchase? (Class Defense)
  • Compliance with Physician Payment Sunshine Act can create collateral federal and private enforcement concerns (Corruption, Crime & Compliance)
  • Securities class action lawyers’ reliance on confidential witnesses to plead their cases presents problems for plaintiffs and defendants, says noted federal judge (D& O Diary)
  • Things aren’t looking good for plaintiffs in generic drug preemption after SCOTUS’s Bartlett decision (Drug & Device Law)
  • Despite SCOTUS’s clear signal to the contrary, Sixth Circuit reinstates class action versus Whirlpool (Forbes.com)
  • State attorneys general ramp up focus on data privacy and security (State AG Monitor)
  • Federal legislation introduced to block Interior Department’s rules on hydraulic fracturing on public lands (The Hill’s E2)
  • OSHA signals renewed focus on issuing formal workplace rules (OSHA Law Update)