• Food labeling class action defendants should be making more implied preemption arguments (Class Defense)
  • FTC Chairwoman likely to request formal “6(b)” inquiry into patent-assertion entities’ business practices, complete with subpoenas (New York Times)
  • A top priority for the United States Department of Justice? In the words of its Acting Assistant Attorney General “combating corruption around the world” (FCPA Professor)
  • 20 thoughts on how significant (or not) U. S. Supreme Court’s gene patenting ruling, Myriad Genetics will be (Patently-O)
  • Breaking with long-standing policy, SEC set to require admissions in order to settle some Commission actions (SEC Actions)
  • Ten state attorneys general have postponed suing EPA over setting power plant greenhouse gas emissions standards (BNA Legal via State AG Monitor)
  • FTC Commissioner Wright makes good on promise and offers policy statement on FTC Section 5 enforcement (Truth on the Market)
  • Cheese with that?: Suits alleging Subway “foot-long” subs come up short headed to federal multi-district litigation panel in Wisconsin (WSJ Law Blog)
  • U.S. Senators follow activist law professors’ lead (see our prior blog post) and propose constitutional amendment to eliminate First Amendment protection for incorporated entities (Volokh Conspiracy)