• Vermont attorney general sues purported patent troll for misleading and deceptive statements in licensing demand letter (Ars Technica)
  • Cloud Computing and Its Unexpected Jurisdiction Under Corrupt Practices Act (Corporate Counsel)
  • Coalition for Responsible Regulation SCOTUS appeal (in which WLF filed amicus supporting cert) could be the biggest regulatory case in years, or be quickly denied (SCOTUSblog)
  • Retailers’ efforts to throw out false advertising cases on lack of standing grounds in California just got harder (Product Liability Monitor)
  • As we await outcome in generic drug preemption case Bartlett, Supreme Court asked to review other drug & device preemption issues (FDA Law Blog)
  • Gift, travel, and entertainment expenses under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: When’s it ok to pay, when’s it not? (FCPA Professor)
  • Can a South Carolina resident bring a nationwide class action in federal court based on New Jersey consumer protection law? The 3d Circuit says NO (Class Defense)