• Supreme Court’s Already ruling has ramifications for standing to sue (On the Case) (More info: WLF’s On the Merits on Already)
  • The highest punitive damage awards in 2013 in California and nationally (California Punitive Damages)
  • What can be concluded from EPA’s 2012 enforcement statistics? (Corruption, Crime & Compliance)
  • Second Circuit agrees with the 4th, 7th, and 9th, and disagrees with 5th, on whether state attorney general suits are removable to federal court under CAFA (Drug & Device Law) (Legal Pulse blog on 5th Cir. ruling)
  • 9th Circuit finds no federal preemption for state medical device liability suit (The Recorder) (More info: WLF Legal Backgrounder)
  • Manufacturer of texting system for truckers not liable for auto accident injuries for failure to make an “accident free” system (Mass Tort Defense)
  • The fascinating story behind the Standard Fire v. Knowles class action case argued in the Supreme Court last Monday (CNN Money/Forbes)
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issues important en banc ruling on patent trolls and the International Trade Commission (Patently-O)