• Private antitrust class actions against generic-branded drug patent settlements start to pile up in wake of In re K-Dur ruling, impending SCOTUS appeal (On the Case)
  • The SEC does a bit of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act reform in its Resource Extraction Disclosure final rule (FCPA Professor)
  • That didn’t take long: First “inter partes” post-grant patent challenge filed at PTO one day into new review process initiated by America Invents Act (Corporate Counsel)
  • Top five corruption risks for pharma and medical device manufacturers (Corruption, Crime & Compliance)
  • Supreme Court given opportunity to rule on how “final” FDA warning letters are for purposes of judicial review (Drug & Device Law; FDA Law Blog)
  • Greenpeace works to undermine development of vitamin-enhanced “golden” rice (Toronto Globe and Mail via Overlawyered)