• A little more FDA regulatory guidance on nanotechnology is not nearly enough for Luddite activists (FoodQualityNews)
  • One state buys into activists’ scare tactics, bans natural gas hydraulic fracturing (Reuters)
  • US International Trade Commission judge gives litigant 24 hours to condense 3,000 page filing down to a chart (Blog of Legal Times)
  • SEC issues 106-page study on why it still thinks the Supreme Court erred in its Morrison v. Nat’l Australian Bank ruling on extraterritorial fraud suits (Business Insider)
  • Patent trolls will be unhappy with this U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruling (On the Case)
  • California courts seem to be thumbing their noses at the U.S. Supreme Court in punitive damage cases (California Punitive Damages)
  • Is Foreign Corrupt Practices Act reform effort dead? One former prosecutor thinks so (Corruption, Crime & Compliance)
  • Recent developments show increasing intersection between international trade law cases and False Claims Act enforcement (Original Source)