- High-tech industry behind the curve on foreign corruption enforcement compliance (Corruption, Crime & Compliance)
- Trial judge considers Rule 11 sanctions in medical device preemption case, but backs off while dismissing with prejudice (Drug & Device Law)
- Former Deputy Attorney General of U.S. calls for reform of FCPA (FCPA Professor)
- High Court ruling against EPA will soon be cited in challenges to FDA authority (FDA Law Blog)
- Current Mississippi Attorney General hires former Mississippi AG to sue oil company (Overlawyered)
- Succinct assessment of this week’s Supreme Court patent ruling (Patently-O)
- The real class action scam: New Jersey AG warns of fake class action settlement notices seeking residents’ personal information (Class Action Blawg)
- Happy birthday to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010; it might be your last! Healthwatch)
- A business dispute borne of food police activism: sugar producers vs. high fructose corn syrup makers in federal court false advertising case (National Law Journal)
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