• California legislator revives idea of state taxation of punitive damage awards (California Punitive Damages)
  • The changing world of shareholder class action securities litigation (D&O Diary)
  • Supreme Court’s Mensing generic drug preemption ruling might benefit non-drug defendants (Drug & Device Law)
  • Not that it should or will matter to the Justices, but a majority of Americans want ObamaCare’s individual mandate found unconstitutional (Volokh Conspiracy)
  • The broader implications of Supreme Court’s Golan v. Holder copyright decision (Patently-O)
  • Are requirements for agencies to do notice-and-comment rulemaking biased towards established business interests? (RegBlog)
  • State and local hydraulic fracturing bans threaten natural gas extraction (Fracking Insider)
  • Is Europe’s “right to be forgotten” censorship masquerading as privacy protection? (Tech Liberation Front)
  • Despite long-standing myth to the contrary, OSHA does have regulatory authority over businesses with 10 employees or less (OSHA Law Update)