• Environmentalists for Foreign Oil Dependence strikes again with suit to stop domestic energy source (NASDAQ)
  • Facebook, Twitter as the new medium for raising money for IPO? Not quite yet, says SEC (Blog of Legal Times; Forbes.com)
  • Supreme Court set to vote on key punitive damages cert petition next week (California Punitive Damages)
  • U.S. companies doing business in Russia? Остерегайтесь (beware) the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) (White Collar Defense and Compliance)
  • Plaintiffs lawyers stretch to spin private litigation off of FCPA investigations (FCPA Professor)
  • The role of statistics in Supreme Court cases, and when they should (and should not) be considered at issue in recent ruling (Josh Blackman’s Blog)
  • Article in venerable Foreign Policy journal on legality of U.S. Predator drone strikes effectively rebuked (Lawfare)
  • Who knew?: Including a green-colored drop of water on water bottle isn’t “misleading” under California law (Mass Tort Defense; Consumer Advertising Blog)