- Activist forced-disclosure SEC proposal on “conflict minerals” to cost U.S. car makers billions (Shopfloor)
- Federal regulators push back vigorously against efforts to streamline offshore oil exploration and drilling (The Hill’s E2 Wire)
- Litigation abuse may chill the U.S. war on terrorism (Lawfare)
- Largest damage award for a single plaintiff in history of asbestos liability – $322 million ($300 million punitive damages) – handed out in Mississippi (California Punitive Damages)
- Appeals court follows own precedent, rejects corporate Alien Tort Statute liability (Consumer Cass Actions & Mass Torts)
- Federal trial court ruling reveals the breadth, and limits, to the whistleblower retaliation protections SEC provides (D&O Diary)
- Company whose employees accepted bribes in return for contracts seeks “crime victim” protection in Foreign Corrupt Practices Act case motion (SEC Actions)
- The epitome of inevitable: mobile phone tracking privacy lawsuits filed (Bloomberg)