• D.C. Circuit rules that Alien Tort Suits can only be brought against “natural people” (Consumer Class Actions and Mass Torts)
  • Conviction quotas and bonuses for prosecutors who meet them?  Yes, in America. (Denver Post)
  • Court compels CMS to offer Medicare coverage for off-label use of two drugs (Drug and Device Law)
  • Corporate counsels can testify against their CEOs without violating the attorney-client privilege (White Collar Crime Professor)
  • U.S. Department of State injects itself into legal battle over meaning of “foreign official” in FCPA (FCPA Professor)
  • Scholar Ben Wittes on Miranda and suspected terrorists (Lawfare)
  • Great roundup on civil justice reform efforts advancing in the states (Shopfloor)
  • More (our post here) on court’s bizarre ruling compelling social security recipients to receive Medicare (N.Y. Post)