- Plaintiffs’ lawyers bask in the glow of new pot of gold in California: suing retailers who ask credit card-paying customers for zip codes (The Recorder)
- As if FDA doesn’t have enough to do, is it now also enforcing the Federal Trade Commission Act? (Consumer Ad Law Blog)
- Federal regulators’ rote response to calls for improved medical device approval process: give us more money (Reuters)
- Can judges be social networking “friends” with lawyers who practice before them? (Crime in the Suites)
- Litigious terror detainee fails in his latest attempt to sue current or former government officials (Lawfare)
- EPA water nutrients mandate aimed at Florida creates template for nationwide, unfunded state environmental requirements (Shopfloor)
- Is ObamaCare encouraging anti-competitive activity in the health care fields? (Truth on the Market)
- Delaware court ruling on Air Products’s attempted takeover of Airgas is a tour de force on the legality of companies’ anti-takeover defense tactics (Harvard Law Forum on Corporate Governance)
- Three dangerous policy trends at state level regarding non-profit organizations (Non-Profit Quarterly via Nonprofit Law Prof Blog)
- Federal judge gives federal government 30 days to say yes or no to new offshore drilling permits (E2 Wire/The Hill)