Horizontal Mergers: What to Expect from Regulators and Judges under New Federal Guidelines

This WLF Web Seminar program, held for a live audience on Friday, December 3, can be viewed by clicking the title above.  The panelists, Janet McDavid of Hogan Lovells LLP and John Thorne of Verizon Communications, Inc. drew upon their decades of experience working on behalf of their clients in preparing them for mergers and working with the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice when their antitrust officials seek further information or engage in formal challenges.

They utilized a detailed slide presentation, which accompanies the live video at the link above.  For those wishing to follow along or interested in utilizing the slides in other ways, they are available here.

During their presentations, Ms. McDavid and Mr. Thorne make reference to a number of documents.  The August 2010 revision of the Horizontal Merger Guidelines are available here.  Comments filed by Verizon Communications and several other parties to which Mr. Thorne makes reference are here, and Professor Dennis Carlton’s comments focusing on the Upwards Pricing Pressure test are here.  A speech by DOJ’s Carl Shapiro which Mr. Thorn mentions is here.  Finally, the scholarly journal article by Mary Lou Steptoe which Ms. McDavid recommends, The Power Buyer Defense in Merger Cases, can be found at 61 Antitrust Law Journal 493 (1993).