• How failure to respect attorney-client privilege requirements can burn plaintiffs and defendants in legal PR efforts (Class Action Countermeasures)
  • The Second Circuit opines on the critical issue of aggregate proof of causation in class actions (Consumer Class actions and Mass Torts)
  • Mastery can be found in judicial opinions, such as a Sixth Circuit ruling on scientific evidence (Drug & Device Law Blog)
  • Can FDA announce a change in how it reviews generic bioequivalence in an answer to a citizens’ petition? (FDA Law Blog)
  • How will the Administration respond to ACLU’s suit opposing use of predator drones?  It seems they may not be sure (Lawfare)
  • An argument for patenting software (Patently-O)
  • 75 business associations urge Treasury Department to back off plan to give trial lawyers a tax break (Shopfloor)
  • Supreme Court cert petition worth watching may bring “judicial takings” issue back to the Justices after 4-4 split in Stop the Beach Renourishment ruling (Volokh Conspiracy)