• Another 10 years in prison for “lawyer to the terrorists” Lynne Stewart (WSJ Law Blog)
  • Federal Trade Commission dislikes state of aluminum hot rolling oil market, so it moves to undo a two year-old merger (Mises Economic Blog)
  • (As we’ve blogged on previously), FTC dislikes state of generic drug market, so it (allegedly) uses enforcement process to force deal (Legal Intelligencer)
  • Judicial slapdown imposed on fraudulent plaintiffs’ lawyers in Los Angeles (National Law Journal)
  • The European Union hatches a plot to expand acceptance for genetically-enhanced foods, by giving Luddite nations more power to ban them (BusinessWeek)
  • The trial lawyers federal government hatches a plot to reduce trial lawyers’ taxes (Point of Law) (Shopfloor)
  • The next target for opponents of overcriminalization?: “Conscious Avoidance” (The Conglomerate)
  • Past e-mails from jailed tort lawyer Dickie Scruggs reveal plan to retaliate against blogger who scrutinized his litigious activities (On the Docket)