- Legally-unsupportable product liability damages awards have consequences (Point of Law)
- Federal disorganization, turf wars hinder states’ clean-up effort in Gulf (ABC News)
- Banks are missing their TARP repayments this month (Café Hayek)
- Trial lawyers intensify the “client recruitment” efforts into social media (ABA Journal Law News Now via Walter Olson)
- “Reckless disregard” enough to criminally violate impending financial reform laws (Nat’l Assoc. of Criminal Defense Lawyers via Cato@Liberty)
- The FTC pursues special treatment through lower pleading standards than private antitrust plaintiffs must meet (Truth on the Market)
- How Justice Stevens’ recusal made all the difference in SCOTUS property rights ruling (Blog of Legal Times)
- GMU Law’s Ilya Somin on Stop the Beach Renourishment (Volokh Conspiracy)
- “TwIqbal” strikes again to dismiss claim against “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” claim (Drug and Device Law Blog)